Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What to do about those pesky...

HIGH KICKING BALLS to your BACKHAND? Yeah, good question. The absolute WORST thing to do in reponse is to back up and get yourself way off the court. Then your weak return will be shallow and your opponent will be able to read WAR and PEACE in the interim while they are readying themself for your ball.

SO if that is the worst, the BEST bet would be to MOVE IN- before the topspin takes over and it climbs above your shoulders. This way you can take it as a volley, or half volley. Another idea is when practicing, have someone hit 50 of them (high kicking backhands) to you while you hold your ground and LEARN to hit a ball ON THE RISE-- ala the Nick Bolleteri - Andre Agassi school of thought.

This is a hard shot for everyone but it becomes easier with practice. So pick one of those 3 styles mentioned above, or practice all three, until you get comfortable handling these difficult shots.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Reading about...

Not exactly reading a "how to" book, but if you are an Agassi fan, as I once was and to a certain extent, still am, it's an interesting read that puts you into the locker room before a big match, what's going on, an inside look that I hadn't really read before.

It's probably at your library, but reserve it since this 2009 book goes fast.

Also, Sampras's book is there though I didn't see James Blake's book though I am told it too is a good read.