I have...
I am playing some new guy the other day and about 3 games into it he yells in exasperation either during or right after a point, "what's your weakness?"
I didn't yell back "my second serve" but instead yelled back something slightly off-color, trying to be funny.
Five years earlier I would have had to respond to him, "well, where do you want me to start?"
I have told players before, and probably already written this in somewhere earlier in this blog but, you are only as good as your weakest stroke. Under pressure, that weak shot becomes your achilles heel and is sure to break down even further.
We all like to hit our favorite shots but to improve, schedule some time with a ball machine, or a tennis lesson, because if you're not getting better, you're getting worse-- because your opponent is improving, so in relation to her/him, standing still is taking a step back.
What is your weakness? fitness, overheads, backhands, pace, no pace, second serve ad court, volleys, half-volleys, keeping score, returns... Think about it and then set a goal to improve and a plan to get there. Aloha.
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