Friday, February 6, 2009

Singles vs. Doubles...Who's the Better Player?

Playing singles is generally the marquee spot in a tennis line-up or at a tournament. However, at the pro level with 4 players at the net, (less so in high school), it can be very fast and exciting compared to long rallies in singles, or a power serve-missed return that is common in men's tennis.

There is a bias toward singles assuming that they are the better athletes, more skilled etc. Let's examine this bias. When returning in singles, a deep return anywhere is good. In doubles, unless the return is cross-court with pace, it can and should be intercepted - point lost. In singles you know who is going to get the ball when it comes toward you-- there's uh... you and no one else, you take every ball. In doubles, there is communication or else no one takes the ball or CRASH, both go for the same ball and hit racquets, or worse, hit heads or head to racquet.

When I serve in singles, I have only a few things to think about, and I am fairly relaxed since it is common for me to have 10 (or so) service games in two sets and have 0-2 double faults. However, when I serve in doubles, all the normal things to consider come into play-- wind direction, the returners ability on FH and BH sides, where did I serve last time, etc.-- but now an additional consideration or pressure comes up. I don't want to let my partner down. If I double fault in singles, yeah, it's a drag but you move on. In doubles, a double fault gives me guilt because I have let my partner down. Furthermore, with my partner at the net if I serve too soft, especially a 2nd serve to avoid a double, then some teams will whack their return with the ferocity of an Ova (take your pick) right at the head of my partner at the net.

In football, who's a better player, a cornerback or safety? In baseball, a centerfielder or a 3rd baseman? In those sports as in tennis, there are similiar skill sets required at different positions but there are also unique qualities and skills required. So one is not better than another, they are just different.

1 comment:

  1. Are you aware of any pro matches that pit a singles vs. doubles team? Who wins?
